Lauren assisted the little boutique she's interning with this semester set up for a remote barn sale on Friday. She fell in love with a blind baby cow on the farm she thinks we need to adopt. As cute as he is, T-bone would not be an appropriate name in Lauren's view so he is therefore, not being adopted by the Baughmans.
Saturday we participated in our neighborhood garage sale. It was a pleasant crowd, gorgeous day and a quick $200 in my pocket. The garage has since been reclaimed but only a
little cleaner. I emphasize the word little because while I was busy unloading
our junk, my children were collecting
new junk from the neighbors. On top of that, Kate and Ty pulled multiple items from the sale before we even got started. I am now faced with the challenge of finding homes for toys that had been previously tucked away in the attic in anticipation of the sale. In the future, I will go back to hiding toys in goodwill bags while the kids sleep. It's just easier that way.
Last evening we hung out with neighbors celebrating their son's third birthday. Grilled burgers, cupcakes and a bounce house wrapped up a gorgeous evening.
After church today we visited our favorite Subway employee for a salad and some $5 footlongs. Ty likes "lunch Erin made". We then headed to a local festival to see some awesome antique tractors. Ty was in his glory and Greg took a walk down memory lane. He found a replica of the tractor he first learned to drive, a few models his father has owned and even a couple of favorites found on his uncle's farm.
This afternoon Greg helped Makenna study for a big health test. She has to identify and correctly spell 30 bones and 20 muscles in the body. As it turns out, sister has a better memory and willingness to work when Dad is throwing candy corn her direction for correct answers.
And this evening friends stopped by. It was relaxing and casual enough I almost didn't notice they were seeing my dusty house. It's been busy and preparations for the week ahead have not commenced.
Laptops make homework portable. Lauren, grateful to be relaxing after a long weekend of working at McDonalds still has quite a bit to do for school tomorrow. |
Ty's latest trick has him hanging upside down off the trampoline. |
Kate's toe touches are improving. She is as much a risk taker these days as her brother. Have mercy. |
Tonight we hung out as a family by the fire and enjoyed being together. I am still soaking up all the goodness of the weekend. The dust can have my attention tomorrow.