Erin had one rule for her wedding, "no one is allowed to be stressed." Apparently we are all rule followers because it was a beautiful, stress free night. The ceremony was the shortest, simplest wedding I've ever attended. They managed the legal exchange publicly. They have written their own vows to exchange privately on the beach during their honeymoon. I love the way they compromised. He got the party, she gets the privacy.
My aunt held onto the article published about my grandparent's wedding. |
Erin was a baby at this party, twenty-eight years ago. |
Happy 51st anniversary, Mom and Dad. Erin planned a party for you 😉 |
They selected my parent's wedding anniversary as their wedding date. We then learned my parents were married on my mom's parent's wedding anniversary. My grandparents were married on their grandparent's wedding anniversary. Out of six generations, four of them were married on December 16.
As far as I know, Austin was the only one who got teary eyed during the wedding. He explained he was just so happy Evan is really his uncle. Sometimes that little monster is so sweet.
My friends from Ohio drove down for the night. It was beyond good for my soul to have my people gathered around me and to celebrate the first of all our babies. We have been through the parenting ringer together over the years and the delight they had for our girl was palatable. They also couldn't get over "Baby Kate" and her beauty. And then "Ty Man" is suddenly sounding like a man with height to match. These kids grow up so fast and I love seeing them through my friend's eyes.
Wednesday marked Ryan's twentieth birthday. Time has healed the bulk of my broken heart but there are moments it still feels like twenty years couldn't possibly have passed. The way he felt in my arms as I rocked him into the gates of heaven isn't something I'll likely ever forget. But with the pain of this life and knowing he would have faced even more significant challenges, I can't help but think he is the lucky one. I just miss what could have been and anticipate holding him again someday.
Wednesday also marked the last day I worked with Leah. It was a hard day all around. Souls like Leah's aren't easy to find. I'm grateful for her and program we were able to build together. My final semester has at least one more difficult challenge as I navigate it without my person.
Thursday the Rentschlers came for an overnight visit. We went to see the light exhibit in Charlestown Park together. We all enjoyed the long conversations and laughter. The kids were all fast friends and Austin insisted he also spend the night.
The seventh annual Christmas Light Scavenger Hunt took place last night. The Hills and Edwards predetermined our family would be winning this year because Austin was involved and has had a rough week. As it turns out, an elusive stocking secured the win anyway. However, Austin finds bragging rights a terrible prize.