Sunday, February 23, 2014

Change, Change, Change

Several nights of this....

Lead to Kate begging for this.....

Which ultimately lead to this.

Which meant this would no longer work.

And that lead to this...
Eventually the daughter who refuses to have her photo taken will have to fill these frames. Lauren is the only child with her own room so she will be giving up her bed for guests. She thinks she made a great deal. And the good news? My parents are coming to check it out next weekend!

I am not going to lie. This was tough on me. Once I wrapped my head around the logistics of the room change itself, bringing myself to paint over Ty's nursery walls was an emotional experience. But in the end, a beautiful room was created for Lauren and she is pleased with the results. Whereas the wall color in Kate and Ty's space isn't what I would have chosen for them, it will work for awhile with the primary color accents.

Ty has stepped into a big boy role in his new room; able to reach his clothes in the smaller dresser and even making his own bed for the first time. He and Kate giggled for an hour and a half the first night in the bunk beds. I enjoyed it as much as they did. Sweet memories are being made and their bond is stronger. I am certain we are only days away from the meltdown called "too much time together" but they will learn to work through it just like their siblings before them did.


A Mom to Two Lil' Ones said...

I absolutely love how both rooms turned out!!

Jill May said...

I love the rooms!!! I can't wait until this summer so I can try Lauren's room out for myself! :)

TeamWilmore said...

I love them!!! Lauren's room is absolutely gorgeous - the color, the bedding - all of it!

Kate and Ty look so sweet in their way cool room! It all came together so well! Love it!!! :o)

TeamWilmore said...

I love them!!! Lauren's room is absolutely gorgeous - the color, the bedding - all of it!

Kate and Ty look so sweet in their way cool room! It all came together so well! Love it!!! :o)

rrogers said...

I absolutely love the kids rules sign and frames! Do you mind me asking where you purchased them?

Baughman Family said...

Hey Renee! The sign was purchased at TJ Maxx and the frames were from Hobby Lobby. They had two different versions. Some were hanging in the professional framing area and were a little more expensive than these which were found in the decorative frame area. They were half price when I found them making them about $8 each.