Saturday, January 30, 2021

Wrapping Up January

January is wrapping as quickly as it arrived. Ty is finally ending his extended quarantine. There are so many interpretations to CDC guidelines. He has missed the entire month of school. May the force be with us as we reprogram in the coming days.

She entertained us with Air Pictionary so much, I ordered the game for her youth group.

Kate was a last minute addition to my travel plans to spend time with girlfriends last weekend. Kristil was dropping her son off at the University of Dayton and wanted a grown-up sleepover. Kate fit right in. She makes the best sidekick for long car rides. 

A Thursday snow day was exactly what we needed around here. Kate had five teachers assign snow play and Ty was given very similar orders. I was ready to spend a healthy day at home with the kids who have been learning mostly independently while I work.
In counting gifts this week, I noted my freshly mopped floor and moments later, one covered in snow tracks. They are both blessings with the right perspective. 

Not everyone appreciated the snow day this week. He is ready for spring and nighttime escapades. 

E-learning has gone well overall but the boy needs to be in school. He announced he needed one more e-learning day so he can cheat on a test. We couldn't be prouder. 🤦‍♀️

This knucklehead ran into the sliding door twice while playing in the snow. Sister is a mess.

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