Saturday, February 28, 2009

Surgery Plans

Greg will be having surgery on Monday, March 2. He has to arrive at Miami Valley Hospital at 9:30 for surgery at 12:30. Dr. Binski is famous for running hours late so I will be surprised if he is back into the OR prior to 4! They anticipate the surgery taking four hours so in the end, it will be a very long day. I am grateful our good friends from our prior neighborhood are willing to hang out with me all day in the waiting room. While we are at the hospital, the girls will be spending the day with Grandma Pattie at the Green....they are really excited about a day of shopping. Dad called today on his way to the grocery store planning on all the junk he is going to feed my poor, deprived children. They have requested Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, cookies and Pepsi.....GROSS! Their sugar buzz should last into 2010! Please keep the procedure and traveling in your prayers as we start the next leg of this journey.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's A Boy!!!

Baby Baughman #5 is a boy....we can't believe it. Way to score your own room little man! I hope our photos won't be considered graphic...these just are not the parts we are used to seeing in ultra sound photos!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sleepover casualties

This is what happens when the girls have sleepovers. We have seven girls between 8 and 13 here tonight. I am beginning to think we should have another girl to play along with the current situation....a brother would be tortured! Kate loves it....her hair is in rollers, her toes are painted Princess Pink and her finger nails have stickers on them! The rest of the girls are still's been about four hours! You should see the mess in the bathroom they call the "spa"!

Daddy's Little Carnivore

Kate loves steak! She always requests steak for dinner and when we have it, she asks to have the bone! She is Daddy's girl!

Friday, February 6, 2009

What a Lucky Guy!

These two beautiful young ladies were escorted by Greg to the Purity Ball this evening. Seeing them all dressed up is a strong reminder of how tough being their dad is going to be in the near future! This is Lauren's first year attending the ball and Erin's third.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Greg had a phone conference with our BWC attorney in Ohio this afternoon. They are resubmitting the paperwork for authorization of surgery because the original set of documentation had an error....left foot rather than right...minor details! Anyway, the attorney anticipates it also being denied but it doesn't hurt to hope for an approval! If denied, the appeal process will proceed. So this can be a good thing or a way to drag out an already long process. Time will tell.

I had an appointment today and heard the baby's heart beat. It ranged from 140-147 beats per minute. I have an ultra sound and another appointment on March 2 to (hopefully) find out if this is a boy or a girl. Everyone here wants to "think boy".

On a fun side note, all the girls and even the dog ended up on our bed the other morning for tickle and play time with Daddy. After a few chaotic minutes, Kate said very dramatically, "I love you guys but you are driving me crazy"! I know the feeling!

She also spoke to my belly last week and I told her that the baby can hear her now. She responded by growling really loudly into my belly. Great! This kid is never going to want to come out of there!