Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sunday Funday

This morning's sunrise
Me: How grown up are we pretending to be? Yoga pants, jeans, etc?
Anne: I don't know but given that Havana Rumba and then Cheesecake Factory are on the agenda, I am thinking anything I don't have to suck it in for sounds good.
Me: This is why we're friends.
Anne: Plus, let's face it. We're going to Walmart.
Me: Amen.

Anne and I were long overdue for sometime out together. We each also have one paycheck per month in our budgets and realized we are both two paychecks away from that dreaded holiday in December so we decided to get some shopping done together this weekend. Sunday was placed on the calendar and we protected it at all costs. We often find our plans foiled by husband's schedules and ornery kids.

We ate well, laughed a lot and in the end celebrated my grandma's birthday with her favorite dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. I am so grateful for Anne, happy memories of my Grandma and having a few items knocked off that silly Christmas list.

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