Nineteen years ago today our beautiful honeymoon surprise entered the world after a very quick labor. I woke a little after 3 in the morning convinced the baby was kicking my bladder and the previous night's nachos were causing gas pains. After about thirty minutes in the bathroom, I woke Greg. He timed my "gas pains" lasting over a minute and coming every thirty seconds and decided I was in labor. Being a young woman determined not to be sent home from the hospital with a leaky bladder and gas pains, I made him call my mother before the doctor. My mother yelled at Greg, "why are you calling me? Call the doctor!" Poor Greg. The doctor sent us to the hospital. Greg was ready immediately. I was doubling over every minute at this point and needed a few extra minutes to get dressed while Greg lovingly held the apartment door open and instructed my bent over body to "come on!". I did not cuss at that point. My sister rode with us and my parents followed. By the time we were in the Blazer, there was no doubt I was in labor. I could not believe I would be in that level of pain for 24 hours or more like the childbirth education classes prepared me. I hurt from head to toe and was vomiting out the window. I begged Greg to hit me over the head with a baseball bat. Fortunately he declined. I can still see the big silly grin on his face as I cried. He was pretty pumped about this whole baby business. At that moment, I was certain I wasn't going to survive. We arrived at Miami Valley Hospital in record time around 4am and I was already dilated to 9. It was Erin's birthday. Greg quietly asked if perhaps I thought I could hold on until midnight so she could share his birthday. Again, I did not cuss but my eyes may have.
At 4:49 am on March 23, 1995, I became a mom. She was gorgeous. She was perfect. She was ours and we were smitten. Greg who had never been exposed to babies prior to his own was a natural. He took to her immediately and their bond is strong to this day. She still calls him Daddy.
She has grown into an intensely passionate beautiful woman. We are proud to be her parents and are still rather smitten. Happy birthday to you, Erin Gabrielle. We love you.
Happy Birthday Erin!!!
Happy Birthday, Erin! She is absolutely stunning!!! From her gorgeous face, to her amazing, beautiful, huge heart! And also, Happy Day to you momma! I know every moment of this day and and every piece of this girl is precious to you! Love you!!!!
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