Things with Woody concerned me enough that I invited the lady we are fostering the pups for over to evaluate them. Tracye is wonderful. She was on her way home with the puppies' mom from another surgery so we got to meet Miracle as well. When Tracye walked in, smelling like momma, the puppies went crazy. Their reaction literally brought tears to my and Lauren's eyes. They miss their momma. It just isn't fair. They perked up, ate and she reassured me that whereas Woody isn't doing as well as Mia, he is fine. She is just a little more advanced. She is a smart girl and oh so sweet too. Since that visit, both are eating better, getting teeth so solid food is on the horizon and are following us around. They are not seeing clearly but can see shadows. Mia keeps growling at the fridge. I don't know what she thinks she is going to do with it but she believes she can take it on every time she is in the kitchen! Greg came home from work this morning to find Woody under our entertainment center. Clearly the laundry basket is not going to work for safety reasons any longer. I put a request on Facebook to borrow a crate and was immediately offered two. I borrowed one and after the boys had a blast playing in it all afternoon, considered taking the second! Just kidding. That would be wrong. Smart. But wrong.

I was getting a shot of all the kids piled onto the couch and realized who was watching over puppies in the background.
It was beautiful outside yesterday and Ty was FINALLY fever free so we went out to play a bit. He had both Roseola and the herpes simplex virus. He has since developed a cough and sore throat. It's been a rough week with very little sleep but he's on the mend!
The puppies are busier and have such cute personalities. Woody did the famous "boxer swat" at Makenna's hand when she was playing with him last night. He was growling and chasing her hand on the carpet. They both love to snuggle with Brutus and he is rather nurturing which Tracye says is unusual for a male. He bathes them! Erin says he's after their leftover milk because his diet is killing him. It is good for the puppies and cuddle time with Brutus leads to better feedings.
Off topic but very exciting....our bridge opened this weekend and it was a big deal. After six months of total chaos the bridge opened with a police escort and parties on both sides. We are looking forward to venturing into Louisville again soon. You know, once the puppies don't need fed every two hours, the boys are fed and napped, the kids have a day off.....never-mind.
I ask his parents if they are concerned when he looks this filthy at the end of the day. I hope everyone knows it means he had fun! And the shiner, I can happily report that one didn't happen on my watch. Thank God. I don't ever want to make that call! You feel badly enough when it happens to your own child, but someone else's? No thanks.