Ty woke from his nap with serious bed head and I couldn't resist spiking it a little more! The shirt and hair combo certainly captured his little attitude today! |
Little man has another cold sore but this one is healing really quickly. He doesn't seem run down or otherwise sick this time. The lady I babysit for is a pediatrician who happens to be working on her masters in public health and deals with infectious diseases. Anyway, Robyn has talked with me a few times about Ty's frequent cold sores. This is number eleven since last March. That's a lot in anyone's book. I've contacted our pediatrician who discussed Ty's issue with the infectious disease clinic. As of tomorrow morning, we are having Ty's CBC count checked and then will start anti viral meds three times a day for the next
six months. The theory is that it will kill the virus that clearly has the upper hand in Ty's body. Because of Ty's medical history with blood issues, his CBC will be tested again in two weeks and every month after that just to make sure the meds aren't wiping out his blood cell count. Greg and I are in full agreement as much as we don't like to put him through blood tests. Coming to the point of allowing maintenance medications was not an easy road for us but we trust Ty is in good hands and will hopefully stay healthy and cold sore free after all of this!
My nightly prayer with Ty: "Jesus, thank you for this boy. We love him very much. Help him grow big and strong, loving and serving you all of his days. Amen." Ty always repeats the "Amen" as snuggles into his bed. Tomorrow night, Ty is being dedicated at our church. The kids are begging me to allow his new hair style for the dedication service. We'll see.....
1 comment:
Love his hair 'do'! I will be praying that all goes well with his new medicine and his blood cell counts stay where they should. Give him a hug for me today!
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