The princess has arrived. If I am correct, and at this size of kitten, I very well may not be, I think we obtained a female kitten when Kate asked me to keep her for one night at the beginning of the month. Boo, as I am calling her because she is solid black and afraid of everything, was discovered in an engine compartment in the parking lot outside Feeder Supply. Kate was on shift and couldn't keep her until the shelter opened the next morning. So what started as a good deed, quickly turned into another responsibility. Why do I create my own chaos?
He makes yoga tools so much more interesting. |
My morning cup of tea has become a game of keep away. Boo attacks the tag while I attempt to sip. Whereas it is entertaining, it is also risky. And not so relaxing. And so instead of my favorite yellow mug, something with a lid is currently required.
Diesel was not able to leave her alone when she first arrived. He was completely obsessed and quite jealous too. So we contained her in one room for the first couple of weeks. We are still working on it.
Progress! |
I bought him a bow tie and sternly suggested he begin to act as distinguished as he appears. He isn't even pretending to entertain the idea. |
His life is hard. |
Waiting on his daily walk has become increasingly more dramatic. He progresses from staring Greg down to turning his back in a ridiculous pout. |
This boy is not cheap to feed. |
Kate called the first Saturday in November and asked if I'd come help her fluff her Christmas tree. "Kate, it's November second." She quipped, "why are you such a Scrooge?" As it turns out, Kate isn't the only daughter who put up a tree that weekend. Erin decided it was time to buy a tree for the house after years in the condo without one. She says it's for her cat. Of course she does. But a group text has shown the shenanigans of kittens in trees all month. Everyone with a tree has their hands full. Thank goodness I was already certain I wasn't putting one up this year. Maybe Kate is right. I might be a Scrooge.

My parents came to town to attend the Veterans Day program at Austin's school. They also got to watch a basketball game since they were here early enough on Sunday afternoon. Austin was giddy having them here for both events. I took Veterans Day off to spend time with them and ended the day with a glorious nap. Work has become a bit draining and my inflammation numbers reflect the need for restorative rest. All in all, it was a good day off.
Kristin hosted a girl's weekend for our friend group and these are the only pictures we have to show for it. Why are we so bad at grabbing a snapshot of the people who mean so much? But I had to stop and admire the gorgeous ginkgo leaves in downtown Troy, Ohio. |
I invested in a writing course that started at the beginning of the month. After several sessions, people would comment that they would be sharing what they unearthed in their writing process with their therapists. I laughed at myself for questioning if I needed a therapist. It reminded me of Erin in first grade who lamented being the only girl in her class who didn't get to have a step mom. Her life was hard. And whereas I certainly have moments of questioning my sanity, the writing course is helping me dig deep so a therapist is not in my immediate plans.

For Lauren's 28th birthday, I asked to keep Austin for a sleepover. She got to have a quiet dinner with Dean and then accomplish some Christmas shopping. Grown up birthdays are pretty mundane. Erin joined us for the evening and brought a Ninja gingerbread cookie kit. Austin enjoyed only the final steps of creating. He was on my phone video chatting with his dad so I missed grabbing photos of him drinking the icing straight out of the bag. I love our time together and miss the daily interactions now that they are settled in their own place.
Our quiet day together grew suddenly very quiet when Austin asked to snuggle. All of us worried he'd wake with a fever. Fortunately he did not but a nap is extremely rare for him. |
Erin hosted Thanksgiving this year and I would like to formally nominate her to make it a tradition. She is so much smarter than her mother. All the dishes were assigned and a specific timeline was set. She cleaned her always clean house and provided beverages. Clearly, I have been doing it wrong. We all laughed and relaxed together. It was good.
I ended the month hiding from Greg yelling at the Ohio State vs Michigan game. I always make myself scarce for that particular competition. I accomplished some Christmas shopping and fielded texts inviting me over to avoid going home afterward. The game did not have Greg's desired outcome and ruined an otherwise lovely Saturday around here.
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