Lauren and Taylor are fun parents, breaking into song regularly and playing endless imaginative games with Austin. This results in tiny celebrations throughout the day over the simplest moments. "Ooh, ooh, Mimi bought me bluebrries" as just one example. My favorite though is "Walking through Target. Daddy is afraid." to the tune of Walking through the Jungle. His mother is totally responsible for that one.
Uncle Ty took this photo and both boys are pretty proud of it. |
Dogs are not allowed on the furniture and yet here we are. |
A highlight for Ty this week was taking a personal day. Timing wasn't perfect due to just reentering school on Monday but I had previously promised a day off to spend with Austin. We made the most of the time together.
And he scores a spare!
Our almost famous youtuber was recording until music started streaming through the speaker system. Suddenly, he let his fans down gently by explaining the music is copyrighted so he had end his vlog. How does he even know to say such a thing? |

While his parents had dinner with friends, we introduced Austin to the Polar Express. He was mesmerized and didn't move a muscle. We have had the best visit. |
"Austin wants drums. Mommy probably wants big drums." |
In counting gifts, I noted tiny fingerprints on the glass door, a washer running constantly, stepping over makeshift beds everywhere, bath time splashing, Christmas shopping with one who grew me the most as a mother, sweet snuggles in Mimi's rocking chair, leftovers nourishing for days, golf club waived for easier ball into hole deposits by our favorite little cheater (he is absolutely convinced the rest of us overcomplicated the game), Bible study in the glow of the same gorgeous tree lights that days before made my eyes leak by their sudden appearance, quiet hike as a couple away from the noise, sisters bonding over hair dye, fresh playdough, caramelized onions and a full moon glowing through branches bare.
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