As decisions to close down the world were made, I packed up the car and drove Kate and Ty to Georgia early Sunday morning. We spent the week with Lauren, Taylor and Austin. Not only was the company pretty sweet but the weather was better than anything Indiana had to offer. If we are going to be cooped up, I prefer to be in a yard without jackets.
Austin amused us all with his endless chatter and non-stop energy. He announces he is awake daily at five by screaming, "Mom! 'Mere! Change diaper!" Mimi has informed him anyone big enough to request a diaper change is also big enough to use the potty. He is not entertaining the suggestion.
Uncle Ty was a big hit this week. They played baseball, tag, ran along the sidewalk, tossed basketballs and maneuvered remote control cars.
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Any guesses as to where that shovel full of dirt ended up? Hint: it brushed off easily and he thought it was hilarious. His parents did not. |
The swing set was a new addition this week and it on top of the hammocks made for a lot of outdoor play options. We made the most of our time together in the backyard.
If Austin sees a phone, he requests "E-I-E-I-O". It's difficult to refuse him but his mom pretty firmly denies screentime. However, in an attempt to get some snuggles with a very wiggly Austin, we will slip in a quick video every once in awhile. He is otherwise too busy for sitting on anyone's lap.
E-learning is a perfect example of how poorly homeschooling would go with this particular child. He loathes schoolwork and I prefer he not associate our relationship with education. But until at least May 1, he is stuck with me enforcing e-learning. May God be with us all.
Wednesday evening I took Austin and the dog for a walk while Lauren and Taylor got ice cream through a drive-thru with Kate and Ty. We encountered a snake so I had to scoop up Austin and quickly reign in the dog. Austin was startled and kept telling everyone Mimi was scared of the snake. This is something he keeps repeating because it apparently made an impression. I'm just glad I saw it before the dog. But on the same walk, Austin kept pointing at others on the street enjoying their walk and screaming, "people!" It appears we've socially distanced the boy a bit too far.
Leaving the sunshine and this little family in Georgia so we could return to a life in semi-quarantine in gloomy Indiana left a lot to be desired. We are grateful for the days we had together but goodbye is always hard. When told to say goodbye, Austin hugged both of his parents instead. Once it was made clear we were leaving without him, he flat refused to say it to us. It reminded me of his mom at his age. She would block our door and decline to tell my mom goodbye when she left our house as if she would have to stay if goodbyes weren't exchanged. As I said, goodbye is always hard.
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