At 11:40 pm on Friday, I answered the phone to Erin who said, "Please do not freak out. I am okay. I promise, I am okay but I need you to come get me". For the record, simply saying, "don't freak out" sort of starts the panicking process for me. Erin was in a serious accident approximately 40 minutes prior to that call. She lost control of her car as she merged onto 64 from 265. She was airborne after bouncing off the guardrail and then landed 40 feet down an embankment. She literally walked away without a scratch. Not a scratch! She said she didn't even feel like she was bounced around. She remained eerily calm and collected, directing emergency personnel to her location and thinking to honk the horn when her flashers couldn't be seen from the road due to the dense foliage and trees. The responding officer and firemen continued to reiterate what a miracle she was. The last call they made to that location was a fatality. I am so incredibly grateful. All the what ifs are playing in my head and I know every other scenario ends tragically. The fact that she couldn't be seen from the road has me the most shaken. If she hadn't been able to call for help, we wouldn't have found her. God had His protective hand on my baby last night.

As I arrived on the scene, the officer saw me coming and asked if I would be mad. Erin said, "no, worse...she'll cry". He laughed and assured her she had backup if needed. They told her to call me so she would have a ride home. She really didn't want to make that call. The call to grandma will be hard too.
Two cars followed her onto that stretch of highway, one was tailgating but neither stopped. The fact that she had cell service to enlist help is shocking. We lose it there regularly and adding the 40 foot drop makes it a miracle. I am angry with the people didn't stop or call 911. If she were unable to call for help, God only knows how long it would have taken us to find her. We are so grateful she was protected. She is grieving the condition of her car. I am grateful she was in a car big enough to protect her. She isn't even sore today. She is a walking miracle.
Today, I can't stop shaking or crying. I am sleep deprived, nauseated and emotional. My baby is okay and I am blessed.
According to the tow truck driver, we are being charged for the tow and storage by the day but he has no idea what those charges will be. The owner is out of town this weekend. We've called a body shop to see if they could give a professional opinion about what it will cost to have it repaired with used parts. They are also closed for the weekend. Another option is selling it to the tow truck company for parts.....God will lead on this one too. We are out of our element. But, my baby is okay.