Anne and I took advantage of this beautiful day by taking our youngest children out for a nature walk and quick trip to an apple orchard for a few apples. Or so we thought. The nature walk lead us down this awesome little space Anne found a few months ago that allowed us to walk up to trains, explore a creek bed safely and pick up fallen leaves. It was perfect. The kids had a great time. We then decided to find a smaller scale apple orchard than our local favorite in hopes of avoiding larger crowds. We avoided crowds alright! As I pulled up a one lane road around a steep hill in the middle of nowhere, I asked Anne what she thought. At that moment, a few cows were grazing along a fence row and all seemed peaceful. As we turned into the winery/orchard, we quickly noted we were the only ones there. I made a brief reference to the movie Deliverance and Anne told me to knock it off. I giggled. I am mean like that. We got out of the car and looked around for apple trees, noting none. As we got the kids out of the van, we were greeted by a friendly dog and young man who radioed his boss letting him know he had customers. I kid you we were walking up to the entrance of the winery, the young man started up a chainsaw! Anne gave me "the look" and I all but doubled over laughing. As it turns out, frost damaged the apple trees this year and we would not be picking any apples. We came home empty handed, but we came home!

And since I was already living on the edge, I decided it was the perfect night to try something I saw on Pinterest. I swear my husband wants to find a way to block that site from my computer.
Add 1/2 cup vegetable oil to four cups flour and mix well with hands. Send children outside with homemade moon dough and kitchen gadgets. Plan on cleaning the entire house and bathing said children when they are finished because they will be covered in it.
This is great! I can totally see you and Anne in this situation. Makes me laugh!
We had fun - I look forward to our next adventure! (but I may bring some mase, or a shotgun) :)
Anne, I am totally booking our next adventure just to see you toting a shotgun! I'll be the laughing friend carrying a camera.
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