I took Lauren, Makenna, Kate and Ty to Ohio to see a few friends and my grandma for two days....it was crazy to squeeze in as many visits as we did and we still couldn't see everyone we wanted to. Ty does not travel well and frankly, after Grandma loaded the little ones up with sugar and artificial coloring before the road trip home, we are all lucky I maintained the presence of mind to keep tonight's eleven o'clock news headline from being "Preschooler found on Highway"! There are still so many friends and family we'd love to see and share Ty with but there just wasn't enough time. I did get to see my Grandma. She looks wonderful and we had a great visit. I also stopped in to see both Cherie and Jill's new homes. They are both just perfect for each family. The highlight was of course, finally meeting Avry. He was born 5 weeks before Ty and weighed a pound and a half less than him at birth. Now, Avry weighs four pounds more than Ty! He is such a butterball....so stinking cute and animated. He laughs constantly and gives us a glimpse of how much fun Ty will be in the very near future. It was not easy to leave Kristin's. I get homesick every time I see her.
Ty did find his voice last week and expressed himself more this weekend. My dad was told some pretty big stories and his voice is still rather sweet....when he isn't screaming in the van!
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