I woke up this morning to discover our A/C quit working in the night....not too pleasant since the heat index is over 100 today! We have a repair man coming late today, but at least he can come today. It appears we've burned up the motor. Our house is only 5 years old! Honestly, nothing is built to last anymore.
Kate was playing in our room this morning and giggling uncontrollably so Greg called out to her, "Are you jumping on my bed?". She replied, "no, I'm falling on it". She is so much like him it is scary! This afternoon she went to help her sisters take out the neighbor's puppy and came back quite animated about a "creature" she saw in the garage that she thought was a snake until she saw legs and then knew it was a lizard so she "freaked out"! Where does she come up with this stuff?
I saw Dr. Allen this morning and have an ultra sound scheduled for Thursday to check my amniotic fluid levels. It appears they've decreased more so we need to know if Ty's birthday will be moved up..... He is laying "sunny side up" and causing me quite a bit of discomfort so I pray he turns back to prevent a much longer labor than necessary. This little boy is going to start life in trouble with his mommy if this nonsense doesn't stop soon!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!

Makenna made this cupcake with a lawn mower made from candy at Jamy's house to tell her Daddy how much she loves him. All the girls left little love notes around the house for him this morning. They adore their Daddy. We are so blessed.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Greg and Kate get to have a "sleep over" at Grandma's house!
Greg will be getting his cast off tomorrow and will hopefully get to wait several weeks before returning to Ohio for any further follow up appointments.
I am 35 weeks along and contracting all the time. I spent 24 hours dealing with non-progressive contractions every 2-5 minutes Sunday night and Monday. It has been exhausting. Ty is estimated to be around 6 lbs and has been given the "all clear". He can come whenever he is ready now. Too many more days like yesterday and I will be ready also! So far, I have gained 13 lbs and feel really great (when I am not contracting!). As of yesterday, I am just starting to dilate, am 50% effaced and the cervix is really soft. With each of the girls, I was at 4cm for weeks and had no contractions before labor started so this little boy is already changing the rules and making me wonder what he's up to!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Avry Christopher Sanderson

My best friend, Kristin delivered her second son just an hour after I had to leave Dayton today....the little stinker waited just long enough for me to miss seeing him! Avry Christopher weighed 6lbs 15oz and 20 inches long. Avry is photographed here with his proud big brother, Ethan Lee. Days like this make it hard to live away from "home". He is the first of my best friend's kids that I have not been able to see within hours of their birth.....Cherie and Jill will have to spend a little more time loving on him for me! I miss you all more than you know!
Saturday, June 6.....surgery day isn't tough on everyone!

Greg's surgery went really well once he finally got into the OR. He was three hours late getting back there and had a tough time waking up but was in really good shape once we got back to my parent's house and had a really good dinner of steak and flounder....yum! He says his ankle feels better now than it has felt in three months. Praise God for that additional blessing.

As Kate contemplated jumping off the side of the pool, she kept calling Lauren closer! She wasn't quite that brave yet!

Friday Night Fun!

Chris spoiled us again! He made us a delicious seafood dish with crab, scallops, shrimp and fish....it was amazing! After dinner, the kids played Rock Band with Greg and Chris while Kristin and I walked in hopes of triggering labor for her....I really wanted Avry to be born while I was in town so I could meet him right away.
Chris was blowing air on Kate's belly while she yelled "nasty, do it again"! As we left that evening, Kate asked if we could take Chris home with us!
Lunch with Great Grandma Hughes and Aunt Laurie

As a consolation prize, we were able to meet my Grandma and Aunt Laurie for lunch at a tea shop. It was great to see both ladies. Grandma looks fantastic after spending the winter in Arizona.
Thursday, June 4 at the Baughman's
Monday, June 1, 2009
One Fun Day!

Makenna got to spend the day at Incredible Dave's with her friend Sydney. Her favorite activity was bungee jumping on a trampoline.
While they were out, Greg and I had another one of our special dates.....grocery shopping together! We are a sight in the store! His cane and cage with my big belly attract more attention than we are used to, but Greg is starting to feel like a celebrity at Meijer! Clerks will stop him ask for updates on his progress. He tells them I beat him up! Such a stinker!
We finished the evening with smores and a fire in the fire pit.

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