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Diesel was likely responsible for the cone. The boys are either fighting or wrestling and Ricky took a paw to the eye that lead to an infection. It is quite literally always something. |
Ever have a season that feels like trying to take a drink from a fire hose? Holy chaos Batman, there were some exhausting days I barely pulled myself together. This month involved dinners straight from the fridge without the benefit of reheating because it simply required more energy than I could extend. My team of coworkers operated with half our crew missing due to several situations, none of which were managed well. Whereas I have no intention of being in charge, I often wish someone with common sense would take the reigns. In summary, both my personal and professional life was less than ideal this month. But it gave me the courage to step out of a teaching role at church and allowed me to see where better boundaries are necessary at home moving forward.
But this month ushered in my favorite weather; mostly sunny with more comfortable temperatures. Austin and I slipped out with my old point and shoot camera. Watching him explore and appreciate the simple things in nature like sparkles on rocks and pumpkins growing in a dried up creek beds will always slow me down to notice.
Kate working at Feeders Supply has already added a new member to her little family. I call him Bean because he was discovered in a soybean field. He lives at Kate's with Nali, who is beside herself with worry about the tiny hissing animal. Also, Riley, Kate's boyfriend opposed the name Bean and calls him Obi. Either way, he is absolutely adorable.
We had sleepovers with popcorn and movies. I prepared for soup dinners with a bulk order of disposable bowls after one too many experiences digging though Ty's room for missing dishes. His ramen and ice cream addiction is concerning.
One of Ty's teachers called me after school one day to share her positive opinion of Ty's character. Hearing someone point out his kindness and respect toward all others was such a refreshing call to take. High school isn't without challenges but so far, he is remaining true to himself; respectfully forgetting assignments. Sigh.
The amount of planning and preparation that went into what was supposed to be Ty's first date took me by surprise. He had strong opinions about his outfit, the flowers and dinner plans. And then the night before the dance, he ended the relationship and most of it was returned. I threatened a photoshoot of my handsome kid before he "found" the missing tags needed for the return.
The relationship ended poorly, as most of us assumed it would. The young lady likes drama and made some pretty horrendous threats Ty took to administration at school and handled himself. As his parents, we were ready to step in but he was adamant he could manage this situation. And then he did. Greg and I remain impressed. The horror of her accusations unnerved me and I realized that even though I have a significant amount of experience raising teenagers, I am still not in control of their journey. Generally, I don't want to be but I would appreciate the ability to safeguard the experience.
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"I used all my might to get up and just barely did." |
Loving lately: sunlight draped across morning tea, early morning snuggles and late night tickles, patients who recall conversations and resume discussions upon return visits, Austin with the camera, cooler mornings and mild afternoons, reminders of God's grace in parenting, Greg trying to coax two sleepy pups from our bed when he gets home (they strongly believe he can just sleep on the couch), dinner out with my Katebug, a farm yard photoshoot for a super sweet young man, gold star stickers for my coworkers and sweet treats.
My routine follow-up with my rheumatologist revealed my inflammation numbers have multipled by seven since July. This explains my exhaustion and pain. I have to assume stress is the largest contributing factor. I started some intense medication to knock down the attack. Local reactions to shots and manic episodes from heavy steroids made the entire experience less than pleasant. However, I am feeling optimistic we will find the best regimen now that my health insurance covers medication so well. Spending only thirty five dollars a month on medication that retails for over six thousand dollars is an enormous benefit.
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A banana peel as a hat. Why not? |
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B.B. gun practice in the yard was a great way to spend an evening. |
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Remember when dogs weren't allowed on furniture? Me either. |
Books read this month:
We Begin at the End*
All the Colors of the Dark*
*Recommended titles