Makenna brought me flowers for my birthday and a few days later, I purged the dying blossoms and reworked the existing flowers into smaller vases. I love the simple result. |
It was a tough week even though it was launched with so much love from family and friends. I drove to Dayton Friday afternoon to see my girlfriends for dinner and a grown up sleepover. Grown up sleepovers apparently still require late nights talking and laughing. Who knew? I spent two and a half hours parked on the highway on my way there. Most assume that was stressful. I guess my world is crazy because I absolutely was not too worked up about it. I had windows down and a book. Things weren't uncomfortable until they were. As it turns out, bathrooms are not supplied on highways during shutdown situations. But I was alone and had no one else to worry about, unlike so many others. I arrived in time for a wonderful meal and warm hugs from those who know me best and love me anyway. I'm pretty lucky.

Sunday I battled a migraine in a dark room in the basement of church. It was not my finest moment or the ideal location to be hit so hard. That one took a lot out of me. But I recovered fairly well for my family to join us for dinner that afternoon.

Work tensions reached a breaking point this week and both my coworker and I have pulled the proverbial plug. We will no longer fight the system that has essentially removed our impact. This will be our last year. After tears from both of us and drive away from the building, literally screaming in frustration from her, we knew it just wasn't something we were going to continue pouring our hearts into. Of course our students will still get the best parts of us, but they will be the final ones we service. Our new administrator is amazing but he inherited a mess, a giant mess and it's more than he can repair in a short season. I can easily replace my paycheck in a situation with significantly less stress and at this point, the bar is so low, every other job feels like a good move. All I know is it won't be in education.
Lauren is puppy sitting this weekend and brought the 11 week old chocolate lab to meet me Thursday after school. I adored her and her sweet little puppy breath. Diesel was jealous and Cowgirl (yes, they named her Cowgirl) figured that out fairly quickly. She was smacking him for putting his face on my lap too. Somehow puppy kisses and soft puppy fur melted some stress. It helps she wasn't staying because puppies and stress reduction do not go hand in hand.
My happy place; the serenity float room. |
Fall break launched today because Jesus loves me. I soaked in salt water before picking Erin up at work to attend an Art show. A friend of hers was participating and it was hosted on a gorgeous square in Louisville. We enjoyed some much needed connection after all the major life changes in her world. Despite her being our latest roommate, she is rarely home and quiet when she is. It's a stark contrast to the energy we've housed the last five months.