Ty has begged for a Mr. Beast hot chicken sandwich for about a year now. I just discovered a location we could use after watching the app all this time. So I surprised the boy. He was delighted.
PS. His honest review a few hours later, "I like the chicken sandwich from McDonald's better." For a twenty dollar savings, I am relieved. But now he knows.
We added a cat door to our laundry room so the cat would be the only one with access to his food. I sat in the laundry room and called him in to show him he was safe. We gathered quite a bit of attention in there. Smile.
Our little momma sat with her babies near their nest this weekend as they gathered the courage to take flight. I was captivated watching them over the course of two days. I was worried they were too exposed out there but throughout the week, they visited our yard and our neighbor's as a family. The amount of joy this little bird brought me this spring borders on ridiculous. It's the little things.
Sunday I laughed when we sat down together at church. It appeared we coordinated our outfits and given how much time we all spend together, decided it was a good time to snap a quick photo of the people we call our local family. Of course, we handed my phone to some squirrelly photographers and ended up with a ton of selfies and one shot of the intended subject. I of course, love this.
We celebrated all four of them on Sunday afternoon with giant pulled pork nachos. They all have new jobs this month and every one of them is serving the community in their chosen role. I have been thinking a lot about this lately as there are those who believe we must be in the church if the doors are open in order to serve. I'd like to respectfully counter that theory. If we are always in the church, the only ones we are serving are ourselves. These young adults are all in positions to care for underprivileged or otherwise underserved and their hearts are fuller than their bank accounts. I am likely biased, but I think they have the right idea.
She asked me to wake her early so we could spend time together before my trip. It's the thought that counts. I love her and her sincere request to just be together as much as possible. She is pretty special and even as a teen, she actually still likes me.
We took Kendra and went out for an afternoon of fun. Kendra waived bowling so I stepped in to play with Ty, who loves the game. Once we wrapped up, they headed out to explore lazer tag and bumper cars while I planted myself strategically to keep a distant eye on them. Each time he locked eyes with me, he smiled with a shy wave and I couldn't help but wonder how many more of those I will get. He isn't so little anymore, the boy I didn't know I needed until his surprise arrival almost thirteen years ago. I'm so glad God had better plans than me. Wait! Did I say bowling? That was a golf score. Just ask my son.
Diesel, the Beast, broke a lamp jumping at a window because a truck he didn't recognize was out back. The blinds were broken in a previous attempt to rid our yard of a vicious bunny. The cat is still in quarantine. To train him not to put his mouth on us when playing or getting too wound up, we have held him down until he calms into a submissive state. So now he puts his mouth around our arms or hands and then throws himself down, waiting on us to hold him there; as if this is all part of the game. Sigh. He is a hot mess. However, he is super smart, has made incredible strides in training and hasn't yet met a person he doesn't like. This season will be worth the stress in the long run. This is what we are telling ourselves anyway.

Thursday, Ty and I made the trek to Augusta to spend the weekend with our favorite four year old. He has excitedly planned a lot of fun activities to occupy our time together while his parents celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary on Fripp Island near Hilton Head. Three hours after they left though, they started texting requests I bring the boys and join them on vacation. I get it but I'm selfishly enjoying my time with Austin so they are just going to have to figure out how to have fun without him.