It was a week. It was a week of chaos involving doctors and decisions, mostly out of our hands. I had an abnormal mammogram Monday and I knew as I walked out despite not getting the call until Tuesday evening. Sometimes you just know. Wednesdays diagnostic mammogram lead to an ultrasound and I will be having a needle biopsy next week. I am not freaked out, just annoyed. This seems completely unnecessary. I think I need a tee shirt with my new motto "this seems unnecessary." But I told Greg we took advantage of the buy eleven months of healthcare, get one free plan in 2021. We are reversing that for 2022. Go team.

Kate had to leave church Sunday morning with an asthma attack that required breathing treatments every four hours throughout Sunday and Monday. By Tuesday it was clear she was not going to improve on her own so we saw the pediatrician for the dreaded oral steroids. I did not cry in front of the doctor. Those things make our sweet Kate not so sweet. This afternoon we returned to make sure she had not once again developed pneumonia. Whereas she dodged that particular bullet this round, she does have a virus in her lungs that is equally as painful as the pneumonia was just a few months ago.

Erin spent several days mad at the world. She contracted covid at work because the newest guidelines had an employee back in the office while feeling unwell and still testing positive. I was able to deliver food and pick up her laundry to support her but she otherwise had her ornery cat for company while she slept off the heavy hitting virus. She has recovered well but still fighting fatigue and brain fog.
While we were out, Greg and I used a Christmas gift card for lunch. The two hour wait provided a stroll through the mall where we learned we needed absolutely nothing offered there. But as usual, Greg was entertaining as he discovered new styles. However, we cannot recall ever being so disappointed in the Cheesecake Factory. They reduced their seating and their menu to twenty-five percent. The food was no where near normal standards and the place was crawling with staff losing income due to self sabotaging "safety" measures. The world has lost it's mind.
Anna and Ava hung out with us for a few hours so their parents could enjoy an afternoon date this week. The sunset was stunning so I snapped a couple of quick photos in the gorgeous light. The girls are better sports about this than our son but I snagged a quick one of him too anyway.
We spent the week e-learning and Ty loved it. He swears this is his preference but I cannot make that decision for him despite his anxiety toward school. He is the fifth kid and I swear I still lose sleep over so many tough decisions. I sometimes wish my kids understood how much we agonize over getting it right. Lauren assures me she sees it now. Perspective is amazing and hers comes from the role of mom. But we are returning to the classroom next week so his game nights are wrapping up soon.
Makenna's diplomas finally arrived and they quickly came with a job lead that may involve emergency licensing. We are hopeful our girl will be teaching while completing her bachelors degree online. She is pretty excited by the prospect. It's not every day someone comes to you and asks to support getting you into a high quality position right away. This may be the deciding factor she needed about her future.
Kate started her new job as a gymnastics coach Saturday morning. Her new little friends are adorable. Her work schedule is overlapping Ty's archery tournaments so Greg and I are dividing and conquering. Ty once again raised his score by a few points. The fifteen meter is continuing to be a sticking point for him. Unfortunately weather and covid have reduced practice opportunities the last few weeks so he has been unable to get support for it yet.
My grandson is in Georgia. I miss him and the weather there too. |
Erin scored another promotion through her internship with CCAP Across The Map |