Friday, April 30, 2021

Juggling Act

I finally recovered from a twelve day flare in time for Ty's asthma to rear it's colorful head. He was suddenly having back-to-back severe attacks. Greg handled picking him up Monday and I navigated getting him to the doctor Wednesday. I have been assisting with state testing at school in multiple classes and Greg was putting out fires at work. Still feeling pretty run down from my own health issues left me asking if I needed to work next year. It's been ridiculous keeping all the balls in the air this year and I'm exhausted. However, the truth is, I think I'd be bored ten minutes into the new school year and would absolutely miss my small friends and their teachers. We may be making some changes in the future but what exactly that looks like has not yet been fully revealed.

Greg and I attended a wedding out of town. He served as a groomsman while I was the lonely date feeling out of place until the reception. I considered smuggling in a book but thought better of it in the end. I'm no Emily Post but I'm assuming reading at someone's wedding is frowned upon. But while we were out, the kids spent time with friends where Ty ended up with twenty dollars for allowing his sister to put make-up on his beautiful eyes. He immediately purchased a game card for Fortnite to reclaim his masculinity. He had been repeatedly denied funds for that game so he was delighted to earn the money, even if it was in a strange manner. I asked if there was a photo. There is but using it has a fee associated with it. The boy is finally understanding how to manage life with all these sisters.

Kristin wrote a book! I had to miss her first book signing event on Saturday so we held a second mini version on Sunday. I am beyond proud of her and excited for her.

Sunday marked the first time this group of girlfriends were able to get together in two years. Three of us pulled it off a year ago, as the world was shutting down but Anne was unable to make it that day. We laughed and talked and sipped tea for hours. I was unable to keep up with our traditional shopping, so tea sipping took priority. My people are gracious.

Kate's little friend says all things spikey are "porcupiny". She adores him and his momma, so she invited them over during her lunch break on Tuesday to meet Pip. His mom is Kate's youth leader and she loves on Kate so well. I am grateful for her and the sweet photos she sent from their time together.
Lord help me if Oliver ever figures out how to get to Piper.

Totally unprompted, a small friend announced to the class her parents want to live longer so they have to eat healthy. And I laughed. Of course I did but choosing to eliminate sugar during state testing was just plain dumb. I miss sugar. A lot. 

Austin called when Erin was visiting and asked her to go to the fair with him. She asked him if he had a plane ticket for her and followed up by questioning his credit score. Without hesitation he declared it, "good", as if he understood the question. She grinned and informed him hers is, "technically great" and without missing a beat, Austin countered, "mine is technically good."

Ty brought home his workbook today and decided it would make a perfect BB gun target. We all spend gorgeous evenings our own way. But we met friends after school so the kids could have a treat and then stopped at our favorite thrift store before serving nachos for dinner and holding down the porch swing. The weekend has officially been kicked off and I hope it involves a good book, sunshine and some memory making. 

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