Friday, April 23, 2021

Spring Snow and other Unwelcome Arrivals

She says she's an adult. 

I have had what I believe may be a minor flare for the last nine days. In the beginning, I was beyond exhausted, sleeping endless hours and so very tired when I wasn't resting. My body ached from head to toe and everything was heavy. Lifting my arms or walking around took an incredible amount of effort. The rest of the week was achy and the fatigue is still difficult.  I'm disappointed by the possibility. It's been a good run. I am grateful it is mild and hope it is an isolated incident because revisiting a rheumatologist and the prospect of medication is not something I want to entertain again. Pushing through to keep working and running our home may have helped curtail the impact but I have been wiped out.

I have started reading bedtime stories with my grandson over video chat. I love this bedtime routine. He picks a book from my house for me to read and then he selects one from his house to read to me. I love hearing his sweet little voice and imagination at work. I miss him.

So it snowed this week. As surprised as everyone was, it really was beautiful. As the sun rose Wednesday morning, I was a bit disappointed I needed to clock-in at work because my desire was to instead grab my camera for some shots of snow blanketing tree blossoms and baby leaves. I hope nothing was damaged as this rare snow struck spring plants but it was pretty. Snow on typically bare branches has a different appearance. Since we have no control over the weather, I may as well embrace the scenes created.

Kate wore her dad's high school jacket to her first high school event on Saturday. She had a blast at the dance marathon raising money for the kids at Riley Children's Hospital. She is hopeful next year will be normal and she can be more involved. We hope so too.

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