Friday, May 7, 2021

The Weekly Review

If you ever want to set your weekend off on the perfect tone, I cannot recommend watching five year olds playing soccer enough. Kate and I were invited to Ava's soccer game after she explained the reasons her team hadn't scored any goals the week prior. "The other team was named the Tigers so we ran away from them". I adore her and her reaction to other team scoring. Our little friend will likely never be an athlete but she has a good time.

I was telling Greg about a strange dream I had. In the dream, we were having a sleepover with a coworker and her husband. Kate without missing a beat, informed me that is called swinging. I assured her that was not a part of my dream but inquired how on earth she knew the definition of swinging. She learned about it watching Criminal Minds. I have ordered her to watch only Paw Patrol from now on.

Ty rode to school both Monday and Tuesday in total silence. He is done despite having two more school weeks on the calendar. 
In kindergarten, the teacher asked the kids to put their iPads on chargers after station work. She later discovered one laying on the floor and asked the owner why she left it there. The child innocently responded, "you told me to put it on the charger." Sure enough, as she picked up the iPad, it was laying on top of a charger! I accused the teacher of being a terrible communicator.
Erin sent this of Ada also reading because she was completing spring course work. Erin has decided to take a summer off school to relax a bit. She needs it after the last two summers of classes and procedures eliminated typical summer fun.

A spicy friend in kindergarten was struggling to complete her mother's day questionnaire. The final blank needing to be filled in was "My mom is the best in the world because _____." She sat there for so long, I kept asking questions about things her mom does for her, trying to help her complete the paper. On our third attempt at a one-on-one session because she wasn't making progress alone, something about her body language prompted me to ask her if her mom was the best and she firmly declared, "NO!" With arms crossed and a scowl on her face she pouted her mom wouldn't help her clean her room and flat refused to finish the paper. I howled. I absolutely love that child. 

My grandson called on a particularly long day of appointments and work and was silly. I snagged this sweet shot to hold me over until we can arrange another visit. I hope it's soon. I miss them. But then we called him while Erin was visiting last evening and he entertained us with constant banter, boundless energy and an episode of streaking through his house while his exhausted mother pled with him to put on clothes. Greg caught our reaction. Erin has a much better poker face than her mother.

Thursday, Ty arrived at his carpool like this. At least he was speaking to me that morning. And then this morning, as I started the car, All the Single Ladies was playing so I started to dance. He silently leaned over and turned off the radio. He did not speak until he stepped out of the vehicle, "I cannot keep doing this. School needs to end." As usual, we are limping over the finish line.

Teachers were celebrated this week and I was included. I was treated to lunch, flowers, so many handmade cards, notes of appreciation, candy (my biological kids were delighted since I can no longer indulge) and gift cards. One kiddo brought me a necklace and another made robots out of paper. I felt pretty special. It made for a pretty sweet week but in case you were wondering, there are 14 remaining days of school. I'm ready for summer.

Life this week, especially as a parent has felt like a giant game of dodge ball. I'm more of a kick ball girl. In kick ball, there are clear rules and expectations. The ball rolls to you at a reasonable speed and you kick it. Sometimes you kick and it soars. Sometimes you miss. Either way, the game is essentially still a decent time. But in dodge ball, the balls are thrown at you from a lot of angles and with varying intensity. You never know when the next one is coming so you remain on high alert, waiting for movement so you can brace yourself. I have never liked dodge ball. 

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