"I just love this show. I feel like every time I am over here it's like a new episode". Kendra.....about our family.
She's not wrong.
Saturday we walked around the neighborhood yard sale and the kids spent the day playing together. We wrapped the evening on a friend's porch with chili. We are craving fall and if a blogger in Florida can fake it until she feels fall in her tropical air, so can I. The evening was full of the coziness of the season despite the warm, sticky air.
Sunday morning was peaceful before a service on positive perspective and finding joy in all seasons. It hit home after a recent chat about some friends who are struggling and where their hurtful reactions may be originating. We then went to the caverns so Ty and Anna could show their families what they got to do a few weeks ago for the video and upcoming brochure. Free passes for the tour which included a boat ride in the cave sweetened the deal.

After the cave we made the decision to finally invest in both a new fridge and dishwasher. We have been losing food lately to inconsistent cooling and the rack in the dishwasher is collapsing almost daily. This is just the latest update on longterm ridiculousness. We cut off water to the fridge years ago due to a leak inside it and the dishwasher has required tape to close it and the breaker to be flipped to start it for years as well. I don't love spending money on appliances but we worried we were on borrowed time at this point. This was not a fun Home Depot date.
Wednesday a friend took Kate to a local orchard to film a science video about Apple trees for her students. Kate was delighted to have an outing and Lana sent me photos with captions about her being a true Baughman. Apparently she announced "oh my gourd" as she explored pumpkins and laughed fully like her mother.
As she told me about her day, she said she thinks one of her teachers assumes she is a mess because she ate four snacks while on his google meet. I reminded her snacking is against the rules while logged into classes. "What?!? That's crazy! I can multi task! Shoot, I even eat while working out!" Oh my gourd.

Our school secretary tracked me down Wednesday to let me know I had flowers. I didn't believe her and asked her to verify they weren't for someone else because my husband has never sent flowers. Ever. Only a few times in our twenty-six year marriage has the man purchased flowers from the grocery for me. It's well known that if I want flowers, I get them myself. So I was quite surprised and delighted by the gorgeous bouquet full of my favorite fall like colors. I text Kate and told her. She laughed and declared there was no way that was real. Later Makenna stopped by the school to pick up the kids she babysits and also told the secretary she had to be playing a joke on her because her dad doesn't buy flowers. By the time I left work, I was worried he'd purchased a new truck or something! He was just being sweet and was met with such skepticism. In truth, he was atrending the calling hours for a friend's wife and that loss hit a little too close to home. He also knew I had been stressing several decisions lately and could use the cheer. He's a good guy.

Thursday afternoon, Ty jumped into the car excited to tell me his reading teacher questioned how he improved so much over the summer. "Mom, she thought I read a lot but I told her I watched YouTube videos about how to be a better youtuber and learned about emphasis. Mrs. S was impressed and says I am a lot better. See? Youtube is good for me." Thanks Mrs. S.
Fun Friday started when I arrived for carpool drop off this morning. My sweet friends always greet me as Ty gathers his will to live and go to school. Today, Anna was dressed up for school photos and Ava was excited about her haircut. On the other hand, Ty chose his own school photo outfit and not one piece matched another. I'm hoping the photographer crops at the waist but it will be what it will be. I choose my battles and his appearance in his own yearbook is his prerogative.
We survived the week and celebrated accordingly. The weekend weather looks amazing, I spent the evening in a cozy sweater, smoked pulled pork is on the menu and we have smores ingredients for a bonfire. Life is good.