Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas Week

Erin purchased Ada a new drinking fountain for Christmas. At first it spooked both cats but they quickly fell in love with their fresh filtered water. The line at the drinking fountain occurs frequently and whereas I rolled my eyes upon the initial presentation of this little gizmo, the cats waiting turns amuses me.

The day after Christmas, both Kate and Ty had physicals. Kate's tumor required X-rays to monitor it's growth. It has grown minimally since August and still requires no additional testing. As a side note, she is five foot three and a half inches tall. This delights her. Lauren and I are both five feet four inches and she has her heart set on passing us soon. After visiting the pediatrician's office, the hospital for xrays and then for the perfect trifecta, the grocery store, Kate woke with pink eye 24 hours later. Of course she did.
I felt under the weather off and on all week. I found myself requiring naps and able to eat very little. In fact, I lost five pounds for Christmas and am fairly certain that should be somewhat illegal. I clearly did not fully enjoy all the sweet treats available. As result of the fatigue, the Christmas decorations survived until Friday the 28th. This is a twenty year record in my house. Ty was heartbroken when I went to toss his gingerbread house into the garbage so Greg made him an offer he couldn't refuse. All of them aimed for the gumdrop on top with the BB gun. Kate was our champion.

Our days have been leisurely and full of walks, naps and family time together. It has been restful; the recharge needed in order to start 2019 strong.

Kate has a friend who moved to Indy two summers ago spending a few days with us and I went to get Benjamin today.

The energy in the house has made a 180 degree turn. There is noise, a locker room type odor and a lot of hugs as he keeps telling us he loves us. We have missed him. 

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