Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve

As we wrapped up 2018, teen girls requested shopping and baking whereas the boys were loud; bouncing from one activity to another. Young adults hung close to home until night fell; knowing we prefer to be in bed by nine thirty at the latest, no matter the holiday.

The baby has been ill so we have seen little of him or his parents this week. An ear infection was diagnosed today and we pray treatment takes hold prior to their flight home.

Oldest daughters requested massages to cope with headaches and found instant relief. If it weren't for the impact I fear it would have on my physical health, I would invest in massage therapy school as I believe in healing touch. I instead make the most of the trust others place in me when they need relaxation.

New year's resolutions have been loosely drawn; intentional dates with my husband, bedtime stories returning for Kate and Ty and daily stretching in hopes of reducing nightly muscle aches are sketched into my planner. Lofty goals of reigning in my diet and adding workouts are also on the agenda but relationships take first priority. A photography course starts next week for both personal and professional development as I am eager to grow and be stretched out of my comfort zone.

We won't wait on any balls to drop as 2019 will arrive whether we are watching or not. Sleep takes priority after such a full day; as it does every year.

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