Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Day

I recently read a devotion based on a single line of scripture in the much larger chapter of Luke. Paraphrased; Mary held these things close to her heart. As Mary was called to Bethlehem to give birth to our Savior, she had provisions to prepare, a long and painful journey ahead and in the mix of all that, she was called by God despite the scorn of those who could not yet see her calling. The devotion went on to discuss all the ways as mothers we prepare for Christmas each year and how we may not being called all the way to Bethlehem but we are in fact going to make one more trip to the grocery store. Again. The hustle and bustle of the season can be life breathing or life sucking and the reality is, the day we acknowledge Jesus' birth arrives either way. This year, the baking wasn't knocked off the to-do list so neighbors weren't gifted with sweet treats like that have every year prior. And you know what? No one came demanding.

Stockings were stuffed with treasures I located over the course of the year and each child was gifted with one package. Santa updated some board games and grandparents were each acknowledged with a simple offering. However, Erin went a little crazy buying gifts for her cat. This is our celebration as I attempt to balance the reason for the season with childhood wonder. But in truth, I have my eye set on a mountain cabin getaway next year with uncomplicated meals and less commercialism. Whereas we gather and laugh and enjoy one another, we also wear out the woman who spends weeks preparing. In the end, her people would be just as happy with pizza delivery and perhaps more so if it means she gets to join in the relaxing portion of the day together.

A Christmas morning walk for Greg and I was followed by a doorframe repair because tomorrow is large trash pick up and we weren't sure how involved this repair would turn out to be; practical outweighing festivities. The blessing in this? Christmas decorations remained safely intact while I was distracted. My twenty year tradition of wiping away all the madness by noon Christmas Day has been broken.

Our grandson fell ill over night, Santa missing the memo on a healthy boy for celebrating. And his exhausted parents are worried. Every mother has rocked her child and prayed and I wonder how differently Mary felt toward Jesus, knowing he was the son of God. Is it reasonable to then believe he would be protected from stomach bugs?

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