Monday, December 26, 2011

Her favorite part

While tucking Kate into bed last night I asked her to share her favorite Christmas memory. She sank deep into her pillow and ever so sweetly answered, "helping you with dinner when you were in a hurry after church yesterday". I couldn't help but smile, satisfied deep in my soul. She counted down the days until Christmas, eager for the gifts but in the end, she just wanted to be needed and feel helpful. Her favorite part was being with me.

Kate wrote Santa a note explaining the true meaning of Christmas. It said " Santa, Jesus was born on Christmas Eve in a barn and a angel came to the barn and people came to the barn to see him". To which Santa replied.....

Each of our children receive two gifts for Christmas. They love their sibling gifts the most and always have a sibling in mind long before Christmas arrives. The other is typically a family gift from Santa but this year they each got their own. Simple and understated. The little ones are not overwhelmed by it all and the older treasure their stockings as we always make sure they include traditional favorites. Cinnamon rolls are breakfast and then the tree and decorations are all tucked away in the attic until next year's craziness ensues. I love reclaiming my house most! This year was my year to host my parents for Christmas dinner as they spent Christmas Eve with my sister. We rotate years so they can enjoy each family's traditions and their grandchildren. Mom was less than pleased to find our house stripped of all things Christmas before she arrived. I thought I was being polite by not waiting until they were here to enlist their help!
Brutus begged all night for his treats

Grandma and Grandpa brought Ty a train table! He loves it. My dad took the time to assemble it and even screwed the track in place so it wouldn't frustrate Ty by falling apart as he played. Ty, who is never deterred by a challenge ripped a piece off the table to see how it was attached.....screw and all. Seriously, who does that? I called my sister to see if her boys had ever and she laughed as she said, "no"! She's been waiting a few years to say that to me. She used to call me with questions about her boys when I only had girls and I apparently always said, "I don't know. The girls never did that". Now this is one of those things I didn't realize I did until my precious sister found out I was a having a son. She was almost giddy as she said she couldn't wait for me to call her with a question about him! She's on speed dial.
Ty loves the tent Kate chose for him


  1. Tell your parents they can always come to our house. Our decorations stay up until New Year's weekend or sometimes a few days longer if the weather doesn't cooperate.

  2. Kate is a doll! As for boys, well, the only thing that is predictable is that they are totally unpredictable! LOL!!! God makes them cute to save them, that I know for a fact! :)
