Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

After dinner dance party to Christmas music

Fire before bedtime, to help unwind a bit

 we can't go to bed without first reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
a little oatmeal, a bit of grits, a pinch of coconut, a sprinkling of sprinkles and a dash of glitter make Reindeer food

toss about the front yard to entice the reindeer to stop here!

some concern that we've already run out....should we make more?
ready for church....Greg says we have next year's Christmas card photo

he makes me laugh

so sweet

Lauren says Ty is just like her.....Lord help me.

1 comment:

  1. Aw - such great pictures! I really like the one of you and Greg - that is a beautiful and fun picture of you both!

    Much love and Merry Christmas my friend!
