Wednesday, December 28, 2011

crazy day

You know things have not gone well if your son looks like this......
Actually, that was yesterday and it was a good day! Kate had a play-date Ty demanded joining.

Today, I had lofty plans of taking all of my kids to the mall for jeans and then to lunch because it was beautiful outside and I didn't have any extra little ones. Our first issue was the traffic. We hit standing traffic six miles from the bridge and had to eliminate Louisville from our adventure. Everyone took that news well but from there, the bickering began. All three of the big kids argued every last minute of our afternoon. Kate picked up on the tension and had a great time annoying one sister in particular. By the time we were an hour into our day, Ty was having typical two year old meltdowns far too frequently for this stressed out mama! Jean shopping is less than pleasant in general but the attitudes made it ugly. All three of the girls who needed them found some that fit and they were almost reasonably priced so that aspect was a success but I came home feeling defeated. I am not sure why they were so hateful toward one another and wonder if I should have just gone home empty handed to teach everyone that we simply don't act like that. I knew my plate would be fuller next week and jeans cannot be easily purchased if the body they are intended for isn't available for a fitting. So I pushed through the miserable afternoon disappointed we couldn't enjoy the outing with each other.

On that front though, Kate has shot up to an ultra skinny size 7slim! I spent the evening packing up her "almost new" size 6 wardrobe for the donation box. Greg would like me to add one very cute tu-tu to that box to protect his son from future photos like this.

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