Friday, September 16, 2022

Doctors, Tea and Hal

I had to burn yet another furlough day and wasted it cleaning and grocery shopping. Toss in two doctor's appointments and I decided to indulge in an overpriced tea, my first of a few this season. But the little monkey sticker made me smile and Diesel loved the brief outing. I guess the day wasn't wasted after all. 

Erin needed a quick headshot update and it was my pleasure to spend an afternoon snapping some photos and having lunch with her. Isn't she lovely?

I pulled her away from homework when the house revealed the sky was a perfect golden light. She humors me, redneck tee shirt and all. 

Kate: "Hal loved my dad jokes. They killed him." Hal is going home this week but we have had a delightful time with him. 

Diesel, dog model.

We enjoyed a brief reprieve from the summer heat and humidity this week. Dinners on the deck and open windows were welcomed fully. Fall has begun to appear and so the house has been adorned in recognition.

Ty and I occasionally have breakfast together in my classroom. I've found he is capable of conversation an hour after waking if the content is of his choosing. I take what I can get.

Our momma bird returned to her nest again. We kept seeing the couple with two of the little ones in the yard but I was pretty startled to find eggs again. We now have babies. This is the fourth set since first discovering the nest in the spring. 

Thursday I met a podiatrist who put a very long needle into the top of my foot. Despite this, I liked him. Here's to hoping the steroid does the trick because I am ready to resume evening walks. 

Thank God it's Friday. I looked like this after work. It is what it is.

Rumor has it a local principal shared a video of the teacher's lounge she created for her staff. It has a massage chair, bubbling fountain and dim lighting. She calls it the Zen Den. Someone decided our less than ideal lounge needed a name too. 

Our sweet grandson met a friend today at the cardiologist while getting his final checkup for orders to Hawaii. An all clear on his heart should hopefully produce the official paperwork soon. His daddy allegedly reports for duty in less than two months. Oh the efficiency of our government...

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