Sunday, September 11, 2022

Celebrating Dad's 70th

Hal was a perfect model in Dad's observatory. If inclined, check out his new blog header. It reflects his humor. 
Rick's Blog

We all gathered for a few hours in London to celebrate my dad's 70th birthday. I borrowed Hal, the legendary skeleton from a friend to update Dad's blog header. It was a fun little project and Dad thought that was the extent of his celebration. He was genuinely surprised and the chaos that followed was as it should be when all the kids are together. Every grandkid was there and we know fully that those opportunities are limited. 
Aunt Theresa served the cake. Austin literally bounced off the walls. 

All the grandkids in one shot with mom and dad. This is extremely rare and going to be moreso once Lauren and Taylor move to Hawaii.

The whole gang. My parents with my entire family and Theresa's. 

My dad's brother, Roger and his wife drove down from Columbus, Ohio to join the celebration. It's been more than a decade since Theresa and I last saw them. 

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