Monday, November 11, 2019

Concussions, Conferences and a Birthday

Ya'll. It has been a long week. I am emerging with my sense of humor in tact so there's that. There were a lot of serious conversations and health concerns on top of school issues that had me juggling quite a bit. I think they call that syndrome, "motherhood". I found this quote in a fictional story recently and just kept revisiting it. Every once in awhile mom truth shows up unexpectedly.

Tuesday evening, Lauren and Taylor called while I was on my way to bible study to ask for advice. It appears my beautiful and perfect grandson was throwing food at the dinner table. His plate was therefore removed as his parents let him know firmly his choice was unacceptable. He responded by putting his feet on the table and spitting. His parents were beside themselves with worry he requires more discipline than his nineteen month age should demand and I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. I asked my son-in-law if my discipline techniques worked because he was living with my most ornery child. He declared this was the purpose of the call because they both know exactly where Austin got his stubborn personality. After a few moments, I told Lauren to call her dad to discuss their issue. She questioned if he would have advice and I again roared, "nope but he too could use the laugh". This grandparent gig is amazing.

Thursday a friend in Kindergarten who has struggled to make connections, took me by the hand and told me he loved me. The moment was special because it was so unexpected. And then Friday another friend told me I was too old to be his friend to keep me humble.  I will always love Kindergarten.

Kate turned a corner this weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday she remained awake all day and was symptom free. Light and sound are no longer making her nauseous. She isn't yet able to concentrate well but she feels stronger. Our goal is to start with two classes today to see how she manages them. She sees a concussion specialist in December and may at that point start physical therapy too.

Sunday, Greg, Kate, Ty and I met Greg's family half way for a late lunch to celebrate Dale's 80th birthday. He finally retired from his board seat at the local nursing home but is still planting trees on that property and helped move a piano this week as well. He has never slowed down and I can't imagine we will see that day any time soon.

My parents drove  over to spend the night last night so my dad could be honored at Ty's Veterans Day program this morning. We shared a pot of chili and planned ways they could help pass time while here since this is their first visit with me at work during the day. They are picking Kate up for me and taking Makenna to lunch when she gets off work. We are hoping to have dinner together but the freezing rain predicted for this evening has us watching radar. They may or may not get to stick around that long. Fortunately the holidays are just around the corner so more quality time is planned soon.

Makenna picked up additional classes for next semester because she is maintaining straight A's with her current course load on top of both jobs and a relationship. She is still leaning mostly toward education but is also expressing interest in safety engineering like her dad. Either field will have her frustrated with the government and grown ups but making a difference.

Erin is also increasing her class load next semester and hoping to maintain both jobs. She works a lot of hours and only manages to pop over to see us once a week if we are lucky; or she needs do laundry, as the case is usually. As Ty says, she uses the washer and steals our food. But we like her company so we encourage both.

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