Sunday, November 17, 2019

Celebrating Lauren, Veterans and Concussion Improvement

She spent her birthday with movers. Again. This time they will live in hotels for twelve days with a very busy toddler and anxious dog. Austin took us on a tour of his house after it was packed via video chat and kept pointing at boxes saying, "mean". He was not happy with the movers. But they will be moving back to Georgia where they will be significantly closer to home in time for Christmas.

Ty got to participate in a program honoring Veterans on Monday and his favorite Vet spent the night with us to be there. He then escorted my dad to a first grade classroom where he answered six year old questions. His favorite being, "do you know Mark?" The Air Force may be slightly larger than this young lady suspects. Smile. The class then wrote thank you notes and we all loved their adorable letters.

Kate made it back to school for two class periods a day this week. Twice she managed to stay through three classes. She needed a nap after school each day but is getting stronger and more resilient. Our appointment with the specialist can't get here soon enough. We see moments of our girl but they crash hard and fast soon after. If I am being honest, she concerns me some. At this point, she struggles to find words and knows when the word coming to her brain isn't right but is navigating that frustration with humor.

The weather changed dramatically this week for most of the country. I don't love the change.
Me too, Oliver. Me too.

A few small friends have been playing teacher during station work at school. One girl is exceptionally busy with everyone else's work. She is a bit bossy and often discovered correcting other children. I learned on Friday she is Miss Sherri and I am not yet sure how I feel about that.

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