Thursday, March 23, 2017


I think we will stop advertising her age now because it is aging me! The beautiful baby who first made me a mother has turned twenty two years old. Time flies when you are having fun. She is ambitious, passionate, hilarious, sarcastic and a rambunctious addition to family dinners when we are fortunate enough to have her over. She lives forty five minutes away now and keeps both a full time job and a relationship with Jake. Our baby has grown up.

We had intended to take birthday photos last night when she came for dinner but she has a sinus infection and a self described, "leaking face" so she got a pass.

Each of my kids' birthdays leave me a bit nostalgic, therefore, I read through previous posts I have written about them on their birthdays and Erin's birth story might be my favorite. The link to her nineteenth post is here.

Happy birthday Erin Gabrielle! 

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