Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Sometimes as a mom I feel like a superhero running from one crazy scene to the next. And then there are other times I feel more like the villain. Yesterday was one of those days and by one of those days, I mean it involved tears alongside my 18 year old who was also in tears. We were in a fitting room in the bathing suit department. Those places were not created for the weak of heart. Who needs water-boarding? Put suspected terrorists in bathing suits and make them look at themselves in three sided mirrors. Female terrorists would cave. Immediately.

My beautiful daughter is not much fun to take shopping. She is difficult to size. (Dad, this would be a good place for you to stop reading and just look at the photos). Erin is a very blessed 34 DDD but a size 6 otherwise. Bathing suits that cover her chest are impossible. This is the second time she's hit me with "I need a bathing suit by tomorrow to go to King's Island"; immediately inducing panic. We settled for one at Dillard's that isn't providing quite enough coverage but we were out of options. I spent entirely too much money for "not quite right" but my kid was literally begging for a breast reduction surgery in the fitting room at that point. This is the same girl who remained eerily calm throughout her accident a week and a half ago! As I said, terrorists would cave.

There are times I can be tough and strong. Then there are also times I need to rest. Even superheros need time out occasionally and have limits. Mine require I avoid bathing suit, bra and dress shopping with my daughter.

Today Aunt Theresa was the superhero in our house. She sent more toys home with Ty this weekend and the tent was a success. All the kids love it.

And finally, some sweetness. Brutus was worried about Makenna who had taken a walk. Kate was there to comfort him while he kept a watchful eye out for her return. We all have our superhero roles.


  1. God love her. She's so beautiful. I hate that she was in tears over her appearance and hope she found something that made her feel as gorgeous as she is.

    On another subject, what is it in teenager DNA that leads them to repetitively spring on us, "I need a (fill in the blank) by tomorrow" She's better than Brennen, though. He usually waits until the sun has set to spring those fun surprises on me.

  2. My Erin is also "blessed" I feel your pain. We are on our way out the door now for bathing suit shopping before our beach vacation. Wish us luck.

  3. Dianna, May the force be with you!!! I wish we were close enough for that mandatory mom's night out that should follow events like this!
