Did you know a train jumped over our neighbor's house today and we have a bear on our ceiling? It's okay though because Brutus ran onto the roof and chased him away just before turning into a dragon who breathes fire. This information was brought to you by Ty at bedtime.
As I type, he is singing VBS songs at the top of his lungs. It is two hours past bedtime. It appears his afternoon nap had a price.
Ty tells a lot of stories but my favorites are introduced with the line, "One day, when I was little....." It simply doesn't matter what details follow that statement because I am already smiling.
"Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him in the morning and praise Him in the noon-time....." was sung by my favorite three year old while he sat on the potty today. We are supposed to praise Him in all that we do, right?
I love that sweet boy :)