Monday, June 17, 2013


Erin made it a full 48 hours without "losing it" after her accident. God is good because I had worked through my emotions and was flying high on my baby is alive when Erin broke down. We make a good team.

Erin drove the truck to work on Sunday,  missing her car. She was calm getting to work and managed a stressful shift at the first Subway because some mis-communications left them short handed. Upon arrival to the second Subway for the evening, she was met by the owner, who is frankly nothing more than a bully. He demanded she go to another store to retrieve bread and she refused. I knew immediately she was hit with the anxiety of driving the same route she'd taken Friday. She found herself crying and shaking in the middle of Subway. The owner was once again referring to her as "stupid girl" and she had reached her limit. She turned on a dime and let him know he would no longer be speaking to her like that. She spewed. She yelled and she cried. She was angry with herself for losing composure but later laughed that if anyone deserved to be the target of her spewing, it was him. She has tried to resign several times but he keeps talking her into staying. She is resolved that she will not tolerate being treated so poorly anymore. Amen. It was beyond time.

She came home sore and sad. We were surprised last evening by special friends and the distraction they offered was welcomed. By the time the rest of the family was in bed, Erin and I were able to make some concrete decisions about the car's future and hers as well. Erin will be accepting assistance to get another car. Her ego is taking a hit but Greg's parents have been pursuing a way to support her. Their generosity a blessing, for sure.

The car will be salvaged by the shysters who towed her out of the ravine Friday. That story is another blog post altogether. God is in those details too but Sweet Jesus both goodness and dishonesty are pretty easy to recognize in people when you are at their mercy.

Ty is trying to figure out what all the drama this weekend has been about. He has talked about how sad Erin's car is because it's broken in lots of pieces. He plays "wrecked" and says his toys are in the hole so we can't see them. It is all very cute, unless you are Erin who says, "it's too soon".

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