Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some Sweetness

Erin sat down to play a board game with Ty today. He handed her the red game piece and said, "you can use this one because it never wins". Erin gave me a raised eyebrow in response. I grinned. It's been awhile since Erin last played with Ty and the rules have changed. A few plays into the game, Erin told Ty he was cheating and Ty eagerly agreed, completely unaware of what cheating means but then added, "it's okay Erin, you can cheat too but I am going to win".

I took photos of Ty eating corn on the cob because it was so cute, almost nostalgic. Lauren laughed and pointed out that most second children aren't photographed at all but I am taking pictures of the fifth EATING! I can't help myself.

Colby brought his family to "Sherri's house to play with Ty's toys" on Sunday night. It was good for my soul to spend time with them. Their visit was much too brief but we have plans to connect again next month.

And these awesome shots were captured because Lauren headed out to brush Brutus' teeth and invited Ty to join her. Ty went running through the house with his toothbrush and toothpaste so I had no choice but to grab the camera and follow. Ty would like to report his "teeth were almost yellow but not anymore".

Erin's totaled car means Mommy is grounded. Whereas I have enjoyed the respite from constant errand running, we are out of toilet paper. Tomorrow, we tackle the list of things to do the few hours I will have a vehicle. Erin is getting some mileage out of her "sweet ride". The mini van grabs laughs and my girl is laughing right alongside them now. The final paperwork wrapped up on the accident indicates it's time to move forward.

1 comment:

  1. Colby has gotten so big!!! I am so glad you got to spend some time with him.
