Saturday, December 15, 2012
Yesterday's afternoon news of 20 innocent children being taken from their families in an act of violence so incomprehensible shook me to the core. News like this just reiterates the presence of evil in our world. When tragedy strikes, my first instinct is to pull my family closer. Wrapping my head around the unfathomable is not possible. I cried and prayed a lot throughout the afternoon and evening. And then the pendulum swung the complete opposite direction.....a tiny knock indicating the surprise Greg mentioned had arrived. I opened the door to find my sweet Colby holding a rose and saying, "I play trains with Ty". Tears of grief turned to tears of joy just seeing him. His parents did not ship him to me, even though as a two year old, they have considered it once or twice! They were hiding just out of view with their beautiful daughter, Josie Grace. It was a perfect evening.
:) What a wonderful surprise!! I love the giggles in the second video clip - made me smile.