Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Front Line Teachers

Our weather lately has been a lot like my moods, swinging from one crazy extreme to another. Yesterday we had two thunderstorms, hail and in the middle of it all, a gorgeous rainbow. Snow and ice are in the forecast while we are out in tee shirts. December has done a lot of showing off this year.

I have been processing the shooting in Connecticut. I still cannot put into words how I feel. I don't know that I am supposed to have words for something so terrifying, horrific and sad. I can; however, share my thoughts on teachers. My dad was in the air force as I grew up so moving was a constant in my life. I have had more than my fair share of new schools and teachers. Looking back, I have memories of favorites and not so favorites. With five kids, I have also had relationships with teachers from a parental stand point. Once again, there are favorites and a few I prefer to not work alongside again but I will say there isn't a single one out there I don't believe wouldn't have stepped in front of a gunman to protect their students. I pray none of them ever have to.

In reality, our teachers are in the front lines daily. My eyes have been opened to this truth more so in the Montessori school because they welcome families to participate in their learners' education. As a family, we commit to volunteering a minimum of ten hours per year so we are involved and better understand the philosophy. In getting to know my kids' teachers, I have witnessed their compassion toward hurting kids. They have to maintain professionalism when faced with parents who are anything but parents. They struggle with the Momma bears who believe their cubs are perfect. The poverty stricken, drug addicted and struggling families are a package deal. Our teachers are in the front lines every day loving on the not easily loved. They pour into struggling learners while balancing their own families. They see more than I could ever understand and yet they are called teachers. In reality, they are security. They are therapists. They are coaches and role models. They are leaders. They are teachers and I appreciate them.

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