Friday, March 5, 2021

Post-Op Week Two

"I have been assaulted by the US Postal Service." Erin declared after swinging by her condo to check on mail. She had an FMLA denial letter accompanied by a termination notice for a part-time job she loved for the last two and a half years (part time employees cannot remain on staff if they cannot work for thirty days), a claim denial for her hospital stay from her health insurance company and her hacked debit card replacement had still not arrived. Sister was not having a good day. However, her recovery has been smooth. She needed motrin and Tylenol for a few days post-op but has been free of both for over a week. She is easily worn out and occasionally has some cramping she can ease with a heating pad. She has declared herself relieved to be finished with treatment and ready to move on with her life. Her post op appointment this morning went well once we eliminated the possibility of a blood clot in her leg. A tiny bit of drama ended with us having lunch out together celebrating. It is over. However, she is spending only the weekend home alone before deciding what the following weeks will hold. Her initial plan to have a friend stay with her has fallen through. 

Ty took his role of caretaker very seriously. As he walked in the door from school one afternoon, Erin requested chocolate chip pancakes and he immediately started pulling out ingredients, before even removing his backpack. She was served a full plate in bed. As we prepared to leave for church Sunday morning, Ty blew up. "Who is going to babysit Erin?" She had planned to join us but needed assistance getting out of bed and worried the chairs in church could prove to be too much. He is usually fairly oblivious to most of what is happening around him at home but loves that particular sister well.

Erin and I took a walk on a gorgeous afternoon and planned meals together. Having her with us these last two weeks, a stark contrast to the past year of limited visits. We loved the change. Kate especially appreciated having company during the day and they found they make excellent study partners. Although a certain biology teacher regrets asking his class about their weekend now. My daughters often fail to consider the full impact of their humor. "I watched TV with my sister because she got her uterus cut out."

Someone hacked the contact list in my phone.

I confessed to a friend about accepting help on two occasions last week and how I hated doing it, but I also told someone else no. I could have made a situation work but it had me pushing it beyond what was necessary and I found myself saying it simply wasn't going to work and offering a solution that better suited me. This is rare. This is incredibly rare. It is so rare my friend made me a sticker chart to reflect how much I need to improve in this area. Amanda is a teacher. Can you tell? But laughing, I called to tell Kristin about it and she has appointed herself in charge of orchestrating the reward portion of the sticker chart. Hilarious. 

Lauren and Taylor are under contract for a new home! We are so excited for them and their commitment to remaining in Georgia where we can see them a few times a year without too much travel. Rumor has it our curious grandson is getting some dump trucks for his birthday this weekend. Evening playtime on their lot will be so much fun.

In other news, Piper is a very interesting creature. This is not good news. Ty's bedroom door remains closed a lot these days.

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