Saturday, March 13, 2021

One Year

A year ago,  I was dancing with my kindergarten class to Baby Shark when the calls rolled in. School was shutting down for two weeks. We knew deep down, we would not be returning for the remainder of the school year. My day ended before being able to say goodbye to my little friends because we were protecting them for as long as possible. 

In the last year, we watched people destroy relationships over differing opinions and lock away loved ones for their "own good". Holidays and birthdays were not celebrated to protect one another. Hugs were reserved and essential workers were emotionally depleted, in every working category. 

This last year left many marks but we learned a lot. Our calendar will not be as full as it was prior to the "two week shut down to flatten the curve". We simply don't miss being busy. And despite a lot of curve balls, we can still invest in the lives of those we love, even if from a distance. 

I wonder often how the kids at school will recall this last year. Will they remember masks, social distancing, rules and cleaning or will they recall zombie arms for distancing and colorful spots on the floor for dance parties? What will stand out as they reflect five or ten years from now? My prayer is the latter. 

We were confident most of this was behind us as those who choose to be vaccinated are getting shots and numbers are declining. And then at eight o'clock yesterday morning we learned Ty was once again being sent home from school as an identified close contact. He is well versed in quarantine and announced with pride he doesn't have to do laundry now because he has lots of pajamas. He is living his best life and I have all but given up on this year being one of academic growth. He has instead, learned to work independently and confidently. In this year of chaos, I am accepting it will be what it will be. 

Kate says this should be a national holiday. She misses the first shut down. She liked the family time full of simple pleasures like sidewalk chalk, sitting in the sunshine and hikes. She is grateful we had decent snow to play in recently and has not missed being in school. She also states she is glad only one of us got sick and it wasn't serious. I think she has the right idea.

I have no deep thoughts to share, simply needed to reflect. My prayer for the coming months is to see the dust settle and life to get back to normal. I miss hugs. I am weary of debates. I hate wearing a mask all day every day. But I am grateful for the clarity that in the end, my little family is my top priority and the time we spend together will always prevail over all the things pulling for our attention. 


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