Sunday, November 3, 2019

Frequent Visit Card

Last Sunday, Greg and the kids worked trunk or treat at church and had a blast. Ty took a friend and Kate got to hold the church family baby.

On Monday, Kate fell off the skateboard she turned into a magic carpet for her Jasmine costume. Since we stop trick or treating at age thirteen and instead let them enjoy handing out candy, she wanted to make it more fun. In hindsight, I should have just allowed the trick or treating and told the grumbling neighbors to get over it.

However, the concussion diagnosis Tuesday morning was not what we wanted and Ty being sent home from school with a fever while I was at the doctor with Kate was also not exactly appreciated. But the day of rest it bought us on Wednesday ended up being exactly what we needed. Two kids to two different appointments in one day prompted a suggestion for a frequent visit card and the staff is happy to play along. Two punches in one day equals a glass of wine with the staff because they also deserve a break.
Both of these girls were breaking a rule without guilt. The dog isn't allowed on furniture and Kate called her up there with her. They looked so cute I almost allowed it. Almost.

Kate missed Tuesday through Friday to rest and recover. I took her doctor's notes and concussion protocol to her health office Tuesday and then emailed all seven of her teachers Wednesday. Two responded and only one of those teachers seemed to understand the impact this injury will make on her academic performance. I am not impressed but Kate has enjoyed all of her classes this year so my hope is she will be met with grace and understanding tomorrow.

Tuesday, Makenna and Noah returned from Texas with photos and stories about their visit. We are missing them and hoping they can make it here for Thanksgiving. Due to the efficiency of our government, we won't have confirmation until the week of Thanksgiving which is difficult for everyone. It's just nice to know when we will see them again.

Trick-or-treat was COLD. With a real feel temperature of twenty-one, no one felt they could bundle enough. The kids went from the swing to the warm car in the driveway to finally coming inside. Given they were more generous than expected, they ran out of candy after forty minutes anyway. Meanwhile, I had gone to bed, still fighting whatever bug hit me Wednesday.

Ty walked with a neighbor who used a warm truck to tackle the neighborhood. He had a blast and claimed he wasn't very cold but I am certain he ran more than walked. When he got home, he immediately pulled some of Kate's favorite candy from his bag and gifted her with it.

Further proof they sometimes like each other, this was the scene Friday morning when I went to wake him for school. He had been scared of a creepy clown who followed him around and couldn't go to sleep so she let him crawl into bed with her. I need photographic evidence to recall these moments because they generally master bickering skills together.

Friday I supported three classroom parties at school and left there exhausted. Holy cow, that is a lot of sugar and energy. So when the school sponsored trick or treat event started that night, I nominated Greg as chaperone. The guys had a good time together and I got Kate out of the house for a grocery trip to see how she held up. Other than the headlights on the way home making her feel sick, she did well.

After a leisurely start Saturday morning, Kate and I walked two local craft shows with a friend and she felt good afterward. I am feeling hopeful as we enter a new week. A conversation with a physical therapist left me wondering if whiplash isn't a large contributing factor into her lightheaded and dizzy symptoms. I have started some minor neck work to see how that impacts her and so far, she is having positive results. The concussion she endured three years ago left her symptomatic for five months. Second concussions can be more challenging so we are going to work with a neurologist and physical therapist this time in hopes of negating the long term implications.

In related news, I wonder how many medical offices are willing to stamp frequent visit cards.

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