Sunday, October 27, 2019

My heart is in Texas

Makenna and Noah drove to Texas on Thursday for Noah to complete some EMT training. They are spending a few days with Lauren since they live only three hours away from the training center. It was not easy to stay behind and then they sent photos. Now I am really missing them all.

When Kate woke Thursday morning, she went directly into Makenna's room in search of wardrobe options. I anticipate an argument upon Makenna's return despite the frequency I discover my clothing on Makenna's body.

I took Kate and Ty to Target for needed Halloween party donations. While there, Ty started his Christmas wishlist and despite my twenty year run of being finished Christmas shopping by this point in the year, it still felt early. I have a few gifts purchased but will apparently be shopping with the masses a bit this year or supporting online retailers because I am not good in crowds and chaos. But in all seriousness, didn't we just have Christmas?

But the boy "needs" new walkie talkies, a Nerf tactical vest, new nerf guns with additional ammunition and a go pro to record his "epic battles". And Kate? She has no idea what she wants this year because her knee pain and asthma have significantly reduced her gymnastics practice; eliminating the air mat she was begging for months ago.

Greg and the kids participated in our church's Trunk or Treat while I went out with a friend. We were all going to participate on Saturday but the rain postponed that event to a day I already had plans. But they came home with a ton of sugar and had a great time.

Archery will consume four evenings this week and Greg has an audit at work so he won't be home for dinner any one of those nights. On top of that, Kate's bible study group is meeting the same timeframe my group gathers on Tuesday and then we have Trick-or-treating Thursday. Meal planning for this week was interesting, to say the least. But like every busy week prior, we will manage and hopefully recover next weekend.

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