Friday, August 9, 2019

Hot Potato

These past two weeks felt like I was anchored in a snow globe someone handed to a group of four year old children for an aggressive game of hot potato.

On Monday I passed a test that says I am smarter than a fifth grader. At one point I was fairly certain I would be opening the juice boxes in elementary lunch rather than assisting the teachers because geometry was involved. Prior to and immediately after the test, I was on the phone with our insurance company navigating the total loss claim on Makenna's car. I was her personal uber for work Monday and Tuesday as well.

Tuesday, while running errands my parents called to let me know they had decided they were heading over to help lay Erin's new flooring in her condo. Makenna and I already had an appointment with the car dealership to start the process of replacing her car. Many, and I do mean many tears were shed as Makenna dealt with the loss of the car she loved. The poor salesman was not sure what to make of the kid who didn't want a new car. I pushed her to drive a few different models and thank God, she found something she loved.  And then the financing process began. It involved someone who got off work at 5pm, so despite preapproval that started that morning and pulling Greg into phone calls from work, the representative went home leaving the loan unfinished within minutes of it being completed. I needed reminded I was a Christian at that moment. And then we started over with the dealership. Six hours after we arrived, I left to meet the kids who had been home alone until my parents showed up and start dinner and Greg took over the process, fresh from work.
On Wednesday my parents and I continued the prep work on Erin's concrete foundation so we could lay laminate flooring. It took awhile to start the actual cutting and laying because the foundation was in rough shape. We were finally in a groove when we stopped for lunch at 2:30 and lost power. As it turns out, my very intelligent daughter failed to have the utilities switched over to her name so our time was up. Power was to be restored on Friday, the day my parents needed to be home for other commitments and I started my new job. So Saturday is on radar for a full day of flooring installation. All of us will be excited to see the end of this project.
Thursday my parents and I dealt with a plumbing issue and then celebrated my mom's birthday with cheesecake before sending them back home that evening. They didn't accomplish near what they hoped but we are grateful for the start and hope it's smooth sailing from here.

I walked into the bathroom Thursday morning and noted Erin applying mascara and immediately asked about her day. "My hair is dirty so I thought mascara would be a distraction."  Alrighty then.  She is adulting.

At the end of her second week assisting in the special needs preschool,  Makenna declared she will be pursuing elementary education rather than early education. Preschool may not be her calling even if she is falling in love with a few of her small friends.

On Friday I was reminded how difficult the middle school years are for everyone involved. A new girl was at the bus stop and Kate felt incredibly self conscious about saying hello despite me pointing out how challenging it is the be the new kid. I reminded her of my three new schools in seventh grade story and how brutally lonely it was. Watching her wrestle with how to do the right thing and still look relaxed was painful. Yes, I pushed her out of her comfort zone and was at first irritated with her. She should know to be kind and welcoming because she feels lonely herself so often and yet after reflecting, I recalled how difficult it is for her to stand out. We will have more conversations but in the end, she said hello and started talking with her and helped get her to her first station of the day.

Also on Friday, I started my new job as an instructional assistant in Ty's school. Our paths won't cross but he has asked me to not tell anyone we are related just the same. I assume he has forgotten all my volunteer hours working with his peers because as it turns out, the kids know who I am.

Ty's teachers sent photos this week of our kiddo enjoying school despite his assertion he hates it. I love his teaching team this year and hearing how much he talks to them assures me he is comfortable too.

Greg and I met for dinner tonight because we haven't spoken in complete sentences in days and needed the connection. It was the perfect ending to a very full week and decent way to kick off an equally packed weekend ahead.

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