Sunday, August 18, 2019


When explaining my life this week to a close friend, I casually mentioned the microwave cart and office chair hanging out in my living room and she understood. I am the woman who can't live with a tabletop Christmas tree in my living room for more than two weeks because it feels like clutter. I have been cleaning around items that have no purpose in my living room for several days because Erin is still in renovation mode with her condo and is therefore also in transition as she ever so slowly moves out. I am waiting on literal dust to settle.

My first full week of work was well, full. I love my kindergarten friends and the job itself. Navigating the grownups I work with will take more time but I have discovered some pretty sweet ladies in the lounge at lunch. Given how long most have been working together, making deeper connections will take some time and I need to trust the process to work out organically. 

On Wednesday I had my first taste of mom guilt as I sent Kate to a friend's house for the day due to an asthmatic flare. I am grateful to have someone willing to love on my kids in my place when needed. I just wasn't expecting to need her my fourth day. 

Ty fell apart this week as the stress of a new school year piled up. Learning fourth grade expectations and teacher's personalities on top of the work load made for a couple long tearful nights. Kate also woke anxious and unable to sleep one night which led to a pretty tearful morning. This year, it took longer than usual for it to fully manifest but we survived and once the new routine is fully ironed out, the figurative dust will settle too. 

Makenna has enrolled in classes at Ivy Tech to earn a lot of her basic credits before diving into IUS. She is looking most forward to her introduction to teaching class. She thinks elementary education will be her career path after taking a year to decide. She too is adjusting to a new job with unique personalities and expectations.  We Baughmans don't love change and take time to adjust. Plans to move out are on hold so she can afford to get an education. She is looking forward to unloading a roommate who is bringing more and more items for her condo into their shared room. It looks like an episode of hoarders up there.

My parents arrived to further assist Erin's flooring installation as I was leaving town for the Women of Joy conference in Indy. I agreed to this trip months before I knew I would be working and Erin would be needing our help. I considered backing out more times than I can count because leaving this mess felt like I was neglecting my family. However, Greg stood firm and insisted I go as planned despite me having to drive separately from my group to accommodate my work schedule. The stress melted away once I was settled into my seat which made all the chaos worthwhile. And guess what? Despite my absence, life went on at home.

And while my parents and Greg worked at the condo, my friend took Kate and Ty to the lake for the day. She is my hero and the kids adore her. But this shot? Priceless.
Sunday the team wrapped up the flooring installation and the plumbing work that needed finished in the bathroom. Trim work is on hold until after the move because everyone is tired. A few items are in their new home, including a microwave cart. All God's people said, "Amen."

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