Saturday, July 28, 2018

Final Summer Days

We found ourselves home in time to grocery shop, start laundry, initiate a car repair for Erin and pack Kate for church camp Sunday. She returned home mere hours before preparing for the first day of school. In other words, all relaxing weekends must come to an end.

Ty recently decided to take up running. Out of the blue, he headed out the front door as he announced, "I am going for a run". I was slightly amused as no one in this house says or does anything remotely related to running. I wandered out to the swing to see what that meant in Ty's mind. Much to my surprise, a few moments later, he ran by and kept right on running. Within a few more moments, I saw him again as he tackled another lap. Alrighty then. He has been signed up for cross country through his school as a result of his enthusiasm and daily persistence. I don't know where this is going but I am happy to support him as long as parental participation is not required. 

Kate is navigating seven classes this year and has a well decorated locker because she had Makenna's assistance with back-to-school shopping. Needless to say, my budget was busted but they bonded and had a blast together. She, like her sisters before her, attempted to negotiate her way out of gym class by volunteering to be her favorite choir director's assistant. Unfortunately her request was denied despite the teacher campaigning on her behalf. I suspect she isn't finished haggling over this. She is a Baughman daughter, after all. 
Ty has a great team of patient and sweet teachers this year. I was able to have a meeting with them before they met our son and was thrilled with everything I heard about their approach to third grade. It is always stressful for me to relinquish my kiddos to strangers as each school year begins and this was no exception. I have been wrestling with a lot of big feelings but am holding out hope it will be a great academic year. Both teachers greeted each child they met with a hug and then explained third grade's homework philosophy is to have kids work hard at school so they can play hard at home. Goodbye insane second grade homework packets! I will not miss you!

It is July and we have seen the end of laid-back summer days already. I will appreciate this more when we take two weeks off in October. But at the moment? Not so much.

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