Wednesday, July 25, 2018


When Makenna was three, she had the most active imagination. Her world was full of friends no one else saw, bear hunting adventures in our bathroom, safari expeditions in the local woods where she discovered elephant tracks, and all her people fully wrapped around her sweet little fingers. To say we were constantly on our toes would be an understatement. I walked into her room to see what she was up to one evening and she was surfing on books. Upon my arrival, she splashed me with imaginary water and cracked up. She was certainly my most whimsical child and full of wonder. The extent of her creative brain never ceased to amaze me.

We enrolled her into preschool the day she threw a fit about real children trying to join her at a kids' table during a birthday party because those seats were already taken by Arielle and Cinderella. As it turns out, Makenna preferred the children she could make do whatever she desired and those with their own opinion were not welcome in her world.

That back-fired a bit as I was met daily by the teacher who stressed how Makenna dictated exactly where the other children could sit and who they could play with. The problem was how the other kids obeyed her. Sister was bossy. Sometimes she still is.

Her spirit has tamed somewhat with age but at eighteen, she is a natural leader. She still bosses kids around at work providing after school care and most people naturally listen to her as she often has great ideas and excellent problem solving skills. Although at times, I do suspect she would prefer Cinderella to real children who have opinions of their own.

She recently graduated high school and isn't certain what her future holds. She is a creative leader and loves kids so I have no doubt the perfect fit for her will reveal itself in due time. Given her young graduating age, we are not rushing her into a college experience even though she was accepted into a couple of programs. By next semester she will be ready to make some bigger decisions and whereas I know some people question our sanity by giving her time, we have faith in Makenna and trust she will do great things wherever she lands. It's simply in her spirit.

Now that she is exhaling from a draining technical theater experience and is currently relaxing with a friend on a beach in Florida, her batteries are being recharged and she is welcoming her "adult" years in style.

Happy birthday to you, Makenna Grace! You continue to bring our world joy, questionable humor and a lot of insightful wisdom. I love you and look forward to walking alongside you as you navigate this next season of life.

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