Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Scarlett's Family

I am not a photographer but sometimes friends ask me to take photos for them anyway. I enjoy playing with the camera and am comfortable engaging kids I know well into fun portraits. Getting to work with a family I used to babysit for was a lot fun even if I was nervous about working with the grown ups.

Cooper is the oldest and an intense little man with a love of fishing. We wrapped the session on the dock with his fishing pole and I wish we had planned the entire afternoon there because he was in his element and clearly at peace.

Gleason comes from a long line of fiercely determined women who lay a wild path as they pursue life. I have first hand knowledge of the parenting challenges this personality presents but love the end results. Look out world, here she comes.

And the little guy? Maverick stole my heart when I first met him. He was nine months old, covered in snot and needed a haircut in the worst way. The look totally suited him. He is a free spirited, hilarious ragamuffin I happen to adore.

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